
Key Assistant

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Key Assistant

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This script will help you to manage animation keys faster with help of several tools:

Key Manager feature (this feature doesn't work with anim layers so far):

It can:

— Delete every N-key(s). That means that after deleting 2 keys initial keyframes like: X X X X X X X will be: X – – X – – X

— Insert every N-key(s). That means that after insertig 2 keys initial keyframes like: X – – – – – – will be: X – X – X – X Note that script just inserts keys without changing controllers values.

— Space exery N-key(s). That means that after spacing 2 keys initial keyframes like: X X X X X X X will be: X – X – X – X

Pos. copier feature:

It can:

— Copy controller position from prev keyframe to the current one. Hit ‘>’ key from the left side. With ‘alt’ pressed it will copy position from the ‘step one frame back’ keyframe.

With time range highlighted it will copy the position from the prev keyframe and apply it to all range.

— Copy controller position from prev keyframe to the current one. Hit ‘<' key from the right side. With 'alt' pressed it will copy position from the 'step one frame forward' keyframe. 

With time range highlighted it will copy the position from the next keyframe and apply it to all range. 

— Copy controller position from current keyframe to the previous one. Hit '<' key from the left side. With 'alt' pressed it will copy position to the 'step one frame back' from the current keyframe. 

With time range highlighted it will copy the position from the last keyframe inside the range and apply it to all range. 

— Copy controller position from current keyframe to the next one. Hit '>‘ key from the right side. With ‘alt’ pressed it will copy position from the ‘step one frame forward’ from the current keyframe.

With time range highlighted it will copy the position from the first keyframe inside the range and apply it to all range.

RePos feature:

'Save' button - store world transformations of selected objects

'RePos' button - restore world position of selected objects after parent changing by hyerarchy changes or by parent constraint changes

'Every frame' checkbox - force to store and restore objects positions by every frame within time range

'Full path' checkbox - check it if you just reparent object by parent constraint, and if you doesn't sure if there are some objects that has the same name in the scene or not. Uncheck it if you sure that in the scene has no the same names of the objects or you need to change hierarchy of the objects with stored keys: in case of full path name script will fail since after the hierarchy changes it will not find that object.

Loop creator feature (this feature doesn't work with anim layers so far):

'<' button will match last keys on the timeline to the first ones and match the tangents as well

'>' button will match first keys on the timeline to the last ones and match the tangents as well

'=' button will match last keys adn first keys to the average value between both sides and match the tangents as well

'Create bounds' checkbox will create keys (if they doesn't exist) in the bounds of the timeline and match the values with pressed button

'Freeze rest' will add extra keys outside of the range ( min range frame - 1 and max range frame + 1 ). Be carefull in case you have valuable keys outside the currend time range

'Only bounds' checkbox allow to match keys that exist only on the bounds of the timeline

Bake layer feature:

When you need to change basic poses in the base layer animation you need to create extra layers with new poses. It's ok but interpolation between this new poses doesn't work with contact poses in the base layer.

So you'll get foots and hands sliding in contact poses. To fix that just select those controllers that heed to be fixed (IK controllers in most cases) and run this feature. Done! Now animation interpolated in the new layers correctly


Copy this file in your maya scripts folder (for example – C:\Users\ ***Username*** \Documents\maya\2016-x64\scripts)

Copy one of desired icons (_a – postfix means that icon with transparent background) in your icon folder (for example – C:\Users\ ***Username*** \Documents\maya\2016-x64\prefs\icons)

Open Maya, open the script editor and in a python tab paste two lines below :

import KeyAssist


Select this line and with middle mouse click drag it to your shelf

Then assign the icon to the script via the shelf editor

Download AutoHotkey script for Pickwalker hotkeys remapping to the mouse weel:



The text below represents the code that contains AutoHotkey script, you can replace existing hotkeys with the desired ones:

#IfWinActive Autodesk Maya ahk_class QWidget





send, +i



send, +k


~LShift & WheelUp::

send, +l


~LShift & WheelDown::

send, +o


Download the script that can hide and reveal controllers with single button – ShowHideControllers

In order to reveal controllers use the code:

import ShowHideControllers


In order to hide controllers use the code:

import ShowHideControllers


You can download additional scripts with the 'Key Assistant' script as well.


Version 1.6:

Some small but usefull fixes, thanks to Kuzz:

— RePos works multiple times for the same object without UI reloading

— RePos now respects the rotation order changes

— RePos switch tangents to "auto", because the old ones (mostly manual) are useless after re-positioning

Version 1.5:

— Python 3 adaptation

Version 1.4:

— Some small bug fixes

— Bake animation layer added (see the description)

Version 1.3:

— Small optimizations.

— New 'loop creator' feature (see the description).

— New 'repos' feature (see the description). See it in work here - https://vimeo.com/326928495

— Pick Walker section is now separate script with extra cool features, like export/import data, sets list, etc. See it in work here, the download link you can find in the video description - https://vimeo.com/277495992

Version 1.2:

— Fixed bug with the 'delete' function.

Version 1.1:

— Significant performance improvement of the 'Key manager' section (delete, insert, space).

— Undo for the 'insert' function is much more faster with the big amount of animated controllers.

— Fixed bug with the 'delete' function: collapsing the objects with the single key.

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